Are you looking to work in education this summer? Does the prospect of designing and implementing an academic enrichment program for students excite you? The Ulysses S. Grant Foundation is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Co-Director for US Grant Summer Program 2011. US Grant Summer Program is a six-week academic enrichment program for middle school students from New Haven Public Schools. As part of the program, eight Yale Undergraduates teach small, single-grade classes of students courses of their own design with the goal of exciting and challenging their students. The program is based out of Dwight Hall. The Co-Directors coordinate the summer program, beginning by hiring the teachers, leading teacher training sessions, and ultimately creating and realizing a vision for the summer program. Co-Directors work closely with the Board of Directors of the foundation, made up of outstanding community members and educators. Previous directors all agree: this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the lives of students right in our community.