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Embedding CSS in a Post

Add CSS inline html: <style type='text/css'> sytle from .css </style> Or like this within a div: style="border: 1px; " An example: class .intro ‘Rather than a mass customer base, advertising on these blogs gives lobbyists unbridled access to an extremely valuable audience: Britain’s political elite’ <font style="margin:0px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding:0px; ...

Need a Password, or Forgot my Password?

Need a Password, or Forgot my Password? To get a new password click Login at the very top of the site. Click Need password?   Fill in your email address and hit send. Click on the link in your email. Voila!    

How can I use my own Domain or Subdomains?

Any subdomain, like for example, can be pointed externally to an entirely different website or can be pointed internally, so that it becomes a shortcut to a specific page such as

Logging In Again and Activating Your Account to Edit Your Posts

When you make a post on a site, your account is automatically created with the name and email you use to post. To “activate” your account: Hit Login in the top left Hit "Need password" Enter the email you used when you made the post Click the link in the ...

How to use the TopazPort mailer

The TopazPort mailer allows you to integrate e-blasts with your web content.   Let your users know about the new edits to your site, and more importantly encourage your users to contribute content to the site. Content for the e-blasts can be selected by choosing content posts on the site ...

What do the TopazPort Mailer Statistics Mean?

TopazPort Mailer Statistics "Unique Opened" and "Open Rate" under represent the number of unique recipients because they count only successful pings to our servers.  Blackberries, text only readers and all mail readers where the user does not select "download pictures" are not counted. Total opened includes every time the ...

How do I login securely using a password?

This site has two ways of recognizing members, with email/name insecure authentication and stronger email/password authentication. To find out about email/name authentication click here. If you are already logged in insecurely with name/email authentication: logout by pressing logout in the top left of the screen next to your name (or ...

User Permission Levels on YAAMNY

Anonymous - allows you to add new posts and register by adding a post; you can view all public content. Registered User - allows you to edit/delete content that you've written; view all public content; see all private content; belong to private groups and view their content. Site Editor - ...

A Field Guide To Managing Online Clubs

>> this document is for use on all OneClickClub sites, please edit with this in mind << Organizing a Club Leadership and Governance The key to sustaining your group is ensuring more than one person has ownership of the group. Extending ownership involves reaching out to other collaborators and ...