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When:   May 16, 2009 9:00am
Where:   throughout the New York City Area
Type:   Volunteer

The Public Service/Social Justice Committee of the YALE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN NEW YORK is proud to partner with the YALE CLUB of NYC and the Association of Yale Alumni to sponsor YALE DAY OF SERVICE, on May 16, 2009.

Click here to go to the main Yale Day of Service website to register

On this day, thousands of Yale Alumni, family members and friends will gather to volunteer for meaningful events and projects stemming from the laborious (sprucing up parks, planting gardens & painting) to the more intellectually stimulating (reading books to children, assisting with job applications & college applications) throughout the New York City Area as well as around the globe.

As an additional incentive, there will be prizes for several lucky volunteers whose names are drawn by activity leaders on May 16. Prizes include:
�� * an iPod Shuffle (donated by YAAMNY)
�� * one free night at the Yale Club of New York City, including breakfast (donated by the Yale Club of New York City)
�� * a dinner for two at Bay Leaf Indian Brasserie (donated by Uday Gupta, Yale SOM '08)

If you cannot donate your time or talent at one of the many Yale Day of Service volunteer activities, please consider a tax-deductible gift to sponsor another alum at sites that need supplies or fundraising. Go to to make a contribution.

Sign up now! Click on the link above for all the details.

Additional Info/Contact:
Amanda Taffy at amandataffy@aya.yale.eduThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript