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When:   May 26, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm
Where:   Otto's Shrunken Head
538 East 14th
Price:   $10
Type:   Arts

The Real Stormin' Norman is �Norm Zamcheck, �blues pianist, singer-songwriter, boogie-woogie�improviser. �He has been composing and performing for over 30 years up and down the east coast, �and�gained notoriety in the 80's as part of Stormin' Norman & Suzy, a rock-blues vaudeville ensemble. � He will be backed �by a 4 piece band including blues guitarist John Gerry Putnam; additional vocals by Joy Ryder, � � Show will feature world premieres of "Boldar the Cave Man," ode to a rugged but enlightened killer who lived midway between the Crustacean and the Plasticine; �also "Alumni Day," written in honor of the classes of '69 and �'70 and the longest and worst hangover ever experienced. �(see youtube Stormin Norman & Suzy, the Real Stormin' Norman.)

Additional Info/Contact:
nzamcheck@yahoo.comThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript