Invites you to an Information Session this Monday, September 14th at 7:30 pm in the Trumbull Seminar Room!
Come learn about the history of the organization and how you can get involved!
We are a group of student volunteers that assists needy members of the New Haven community with:
~ Writing resumes and applying for jobs
~ Attaining shelter, transitional or long-term housing
~ Applying to receive government benefits
(If you've already heard about NCD at the YHHAP Information Session, you don't have to attend... unless you would like to do so... because we would absolutely love to have you!)
Let us know when you're able to volunteer by emailing your available hours to me,
perrye.proctor@yale.eduThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
(or simply reply to this email!). The office will be open this year on Monday - Friday from 1 - 4 pm. See you soon!