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When:   June 29, 2010 6:00pm-9:00pm
Where:   Yale Club of New York City
50 Vanderbilt Ave (across from Grand Central Station), NY, NY.
Tap Room (3rd Floor)
Price:   40.00
Type:   Party

Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at the�5th Annual LGBTQ�All-Ivy & Friends�Post-Pride Mixer at the Yale Club of NYC, on the Tuesday after the Gay Pride Parade in Manhattan.�

Enjoy an open bar of beer, wine soda and juice -- and a bounteous buffet of hors d'oeuvres (including a 3' tall chocolate fondue fountain) -- while you mingle.� Lots of good food here.

We invite alumni from the Ivy League, Seven Sisters, Stanford, NYU, Duke, UVA, Georgetown, Williams, Amherst, UCLA & their friends�for this spectacular evening!��

Hosted by Yale GALA (Yale's LGBT Alumni Group) and co-hosted by�Brown TBGALA, Columbia�Pride, CUGALA (Cornell), DGALA (Dartmouth), HGLC (Harvard�Gay & Lesbian Caucus), Penn GALA,�FFR/Princeton BTGALA,� Stanford Pride, Amherst GALA and YAAMNY (Yale Alumni Association of Metropolitan�New York).�(Host list in formation.)

Mandatory RSVP for non-Club members (for entry to the Yale Club):� �

Club members--Yale or other reciprocal Ivy Clubs--do not need to RSVP but may enter by showing their Club ID.� they may also purchase tickets through their club, in advance,�for $35/person.

Non-member rate is $40, cash only, at the door.� $20 student rate (Bring�ID).� Must be 21+ years to attend.�Questions?� E-mail This email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript natasha@yalegala.orgThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript or phone 201-435-2332.�

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