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When:   October 27, 2010 12:00pm
Where:   Location: 4-101A Smilow Cancer Hospital
Type:   Talk

�Dr. Francine Foss, Professor of Medicine, Medical Oncology and�Dermatology will give a lecture on ovarian cancer.

�The counterpoint will be given by Dr. Richard Edelson, Chair and Professor of Dermatology with the prompt:�Do the current findings indicate that it is time to start a phase 1 clinical trial?

Womens Health Research at Yales symposia series is designed to showcase the latest

interdisciplinary scientific investigations funded through our Pilot Project Program and focusing

on urgent womens health concerns.

The series will use a point-counterpoint format, with a primary presentation followed by a

speaker offering either a different perspective on current research methods and findings and/

or addressing the issue of translation of findings to practice.

By emphasizing multiple perspectives and encouraging discussion, the new format promises to

provide a rich and productive conversation about research in progress.

In this series, our program will sponsor three lectures per academic year, including one in the

fall, one during the winter and an annual Grand Rounds lecture in the spring co-sponsored by

the Womens Behavioral Health Division in the Department of Psychiatry, directed by Carolyn

M. Mazure, Ph.D. All of the lectures will be held on or near the Yale University School of

Medicine campus and will be open to the public.

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