The Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project invites you to join us in our exciting project that you and you Dwight Hall group may be interested in being involved with. New Haven homeless shelters do not have the capacity to admit all of the homeless seeking shelter during the winter. Even with shelters operating above capacity, men are still turned away. To alleviate this problem, sixteen religious congregations united last year and volunteered to provide temporary shelters for twelve homeless men. Each congregation was responsible for feeding and housing the men for their assigned week, with community members willing to connect with their guests and understand the issue of homelessness in our city on a closer level. A number of Yale students also volunteered to be a part of this program and all reported it to be a fantastic experience that they would definitely like to be a part of again.�
This winter, the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project will be responsible for hosting its own week. We will be hosting twelve men in Center Church's parish hall at 311 Temple Street (a 3-4 minute walk from Old Campus) from February 21-27. YHHAP will be organizing all of the logistics, but volunteer shifts during the week will be shared with individuals from the greater Yale College community. This is an excellent opportunity to provide a concrete service to New Haven and to take part in the return of a program that has proven to be extremely successful in its first implementation.
If you are at all interested, YHHAP would love to tell you more about this project. Please contact:
chelsea.andreozzi@yale.eduThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
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