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Seeking members of pre-existing groups to participate in study of group decision making. *Are you a member of a club, organization, team, or office? (Roommates also qualify!) *You and two fellow members have two chances to win $500 AND two chances to win up to $ 120 in a study on Group Decision Making! *Sessions will last approximately 45 minutes and will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time and location (either Columbia University or your office). Task involves a series of individual and group decisions on a range of topics. Each participant will be paid $5; each group of participants will be entered into a lottery with TWO CHANCES TO WIN $500 AND ANOTHER TWO CHANCES TO WIN UP TO 120! (Odds of winning something are approximately 1/20). E-mail Kerry (JE'99) at kaf109@columbia.eduThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript or call 212-854-5309 for more information.