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In Celebration of the Cambodian New Year and in Remembrance of the Cambodian genocide you are invited to a special screening event of NEW YEAR BABY TUESDAY APRIL 17, 2007 | 7PM NYU'S Cantor Film Center 36 East 8th Street, New York City MEET THE FILMMAKERS | 7PM SCREENING | 7:30PM SHARP Reception to follow Minimum Donation: $110/person | $175/couple Silver Sponsor $250 | Platinum Sponsor $500 Tax-Deductible Underwriting Opportunities Available Event sponsors: the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU | dale cohen designstudio Event committee: Lisa Bryant | Dale B. Cohen Rick Cook | Joe Raby | Graig Suvannavejh Chris Stamos | Charles Vogl RSVP required | Event contact | Becky Hughes at rebexy@gmail.comThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript