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Sections:Announcements, Service and Opportunities, Volunteering

The Public Service /�Social Justice Committee of YAAMNY is committed to promoting public service and advancing social justice while�fostering and strengthening alumni relations.

Thus, we are asking alumni for proposals and news about your activites that incorporate the�need�for volunteers to promote public interest and social justice initiatives in the area.�In addition to helping promote awareness of the many independent efforts of local alums, we help, support and manage selected projects each month.

Our goal is to focus on monthly projects that enable�YAAMNY members, friends and families�to volunteer in a�range of activities from the laborious to more intellectually stimulating.�

Please contact volunteering@yaamny.netThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript for�additional information or to get involved.��Interested alumni should also post�projects�on:��The committee will convene monthly.

Current Chairs:

  • Amanda Taffy at amandataffy@hotmail.comThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
  • Anne Moss at� annemoss@nyc.rr.comThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
  • Andrew Burgie at aburgie@hunter.cuny.eduThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
  • Karin Weiner at karinweiner2004@yahoo.comThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript