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Support Dwight Hall with this exciting chance to win a vacation for four to Tortuga Bay Hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. 

  • Enjoy a week in a private villa at this luxurious small resort on the east coast featuring a wonderful golf course and spa, with a prize value of $14,500!
  • You're chances of winning are good because only 450 tickets will be sold.
  • Even if you don't can't lose...since you'll know that you are helping Dwight Hall volunteers serve people in the New Haven area with programs like Community Health Educators, Tutoring in Elementary Schools, Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project and the Urban Debate League.  Dwight Hall is the only undergraduate student-run social service and social action organization in the country!

Tickets are going fast...Call Dwight Hall at 203.432.2428, email or click here to purchase tickets on line.