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When:   August 17, 2008 2:00pm-6:00pm
Where:   14 Farm Cottage Drive in Gladstone, NJ
(shuttle can be arranged from nearby Peapack/Gladstone train station)
Price:   $25-$45
Type:   Party

2:00...Mix & Mingle
4:30...Entertainment For Kids Age 3-103
5:30...More Goodies

Unlimited buffet throughout!

$20/person, $35/couple, $45/family (3 or more people)

FREE for Yale undergraduates '08-'12

Mail checks to YCCNJ, c/o RLI, Box 361, Convent Station, NJ 07961

DIRECTIONS: �From Route 287 (North or South)

- Take the Bedminster/Pluckmin exit for 202/206 North. (This exit is south of the Bernardsville/Basking Ridge exits and north of the Route 78 exit.)

- Proceed onto 202/206 North. After 1st traffic light (by AT&T), the road will divide. Bear left to stay on 206 North.

- Stay on 206 North for 3 traffic lights. (You will pass both Pharmacia and Peapack Gladstone Bank on your right.) At the third light, make a right onto Pottersville Road.

- Take Pottersville Road to the end (T intersection). Make a left onto Main Street.

- Proceed on Main Street and cross over small bridge. After the bridge, the road will fork. Bear left and merge onto Old Chester Road.

- Follow Old Chester Road for about 1/2 mile. Make a left onto Farm Cottage Road. #14 is at the end of the cul-de-sac. Call (908) 234-0828 if you get lost.


Additional Info/Contact:
RSVP to Rosanna Galluccio at (973)822-0023 or yccnj@yale.graduate.netThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript