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March Madness For Hunger is a month-long series of activities and events coordinated by the Food Bank For New York City in which college alumni are encouraged to raise food, funds and awareness to combat hunger in the five boroughs of New York City. The program consists of the following: 1. Tuesday, March 8th 6:30-8:30pm @ The Williams Club 24 East 39th Street, between Madison and Park Avenue, Manhattan Hunger and Poverty Lecture and Panel Discussion Please join the Food Bank for an educational lecture and discussion on hunger and poverty in New York City, to be followed by refreshments. To RSVP, please contact Jazmine Leon at (212) 566-7855 or jleon@foodbanknyc.orgThis email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript 2. March 7-11 Alumni Virtual Food Drive New York City college alumni can donate food through the click of the button by visiting the Food Bank�s Virtual Food Drive site at, and clicking on their college logo or mascot. For every dollar donated through the Alumni Virtual Food Drive, the Food Bank For New York City can provide 5 nutritious meals to a hungry New Yorker. 3. Friday, March 11th 6:00 � 11:00 pm @ Parlay 206 Avenue A bet. 12th & 13th Street, East Village, Manhattan Alumni Mixer Please join the Food Bank for cocktails and fight hunger by providing a voluntary donation. 4. Saturday, March 19th and Saturday, March 26th Food Bank Warehouse, Hunts Point Cooperative Market, 355 Food Center Drive, Bronx, NY 10451 Alumni Food Repack Effort Meet other NYC alumni while fighting hunger through the alumni food repack effort. To register, contact Debbie Sheintoch, Food Bank Manager for Volunteer Services, at (718) 991-4300 ext. 241 or email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript